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Law: 1814, Act for the better preventing Embezzlement of His Majesty's Cordage 1

Anno Quinquagesimo Quarto, Georgii III Regis. Full title: Anno Quinquagesimo Quarto, Georgii III Regis. Georgii III Regis (King George III) Anno Quinquagesimo Quarto, Georgii III Regis. First Edition Softcover George Eyre and Andrew Strachan, Printers to the King's most Excellent Majesty, 1814 Very Good Condition.

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ConditionBook Condition: Very Good Condition; Dustjacket: No Dust Jacket
ConditionVery Good
BrandGeorge Eyre and Andrew Strachan, Printers to the King's most Exc
Originating RegionBritain/UK
GradeVery Good Condition
SubjectLaw, legal documents, politics etc
Special AttributesFirst Edition
Publication Year1814
PublisherGeorge Eyre and Andrew Strachan, Printers to the King's most Exc
AuthorGeorgii III Regis (King George III)
Book TitleAnno Quinquagesimo Quarto, Georgii III Regis. An Act for the bet
Item Weightunder 1 kg

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