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Leadership Coaching: How to Coach People Effectively and Be an Inspiring

"COACHING IS THE ART AND PRACTICE OF GUIDING A PERSON OR GROUP FROM WHERE THEY ARE TOWARD THE GREATER COMPETENCE AND FULFILLMENT THAT THEY DESIRE" The new generations of leaders often have a completely different way of working from their older counterparts. The new generations also tend to like teamwork. This book will help you understand the leadership coaching style, the impact it has in the performance of the organization. You will understand that a great coachee is actually the leader of his team. You can't coach people if you can't be an effective leader for your team. And how to be an effective leader if you don't know the leadership rules, principles and techniques that govern it and make it unique and efficient.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 68 pages
Recommended Age Range12+ years
AuthorSerena Richards
Book TitleLeadership Coaching: How to Coach People Effective
Item Height0.4 cm
Item Length22.9 cm
Item Weight0.1 kg
Item Width15.2 cm
PublisherCreatespace Independent Publishing Platform

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