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Leading the High Energy Culture: What the Best CEOs Do to Create an Atmosphere W

Leading the High Energy Culture: What the Best CEOs Do to Create an Atmosphere Where Employees Flourish by David Casullo. Leading the High-Energy Culture: What the Best CEOs Do to Create anAtmosphere Where Employees Flourish is the handbook to powering this kind of workplace with the energy that your workforce already possesses.A change this big starts at the top.

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ConditionBrand New
Publication NameNA
Book TitleLeading the High Energy Culture: What the Best CEOs Do to Create an Atmosphere Where Employees Flourish
PublisherMcgraw-Hill Education
Item Length9.2 in
Publication Year2012
Item Height1 in
AuthorDavid Casullo
GenreBusiness & Economics
TopicTraining, Leadership, Organizational Behavior, Motivational, Workplace Culture
Item Weight18.8 Oz
Item Width6.2 in
Number of Pages272 Pages

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