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Legends of the Buffalo Bills : Marv Levy, Bruce Smith, Thurman Thomas, and Ot...

Legends of the Buffalo Bills, first published in 2003, is not only a story about a National Football League team. It is also the story of the city it occupies and its fans. Legendary running back Cookie Gilchrist and quarterback Jack Kemp led the Bills to their first glory years, including back-to-back AFL titles in 1964-65.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleLegends of the Buffalo Bills : Marv Levy, Bruce Smith, Thurman Thomas, and Other Bills Stars
PublisherSkyhorse Publishing Company, Incorporated
Item Length11 in
Publication Year2015
Item Height1.1 in
AuthorRandy Schultz
GenreSports & Recreation
TopicCoaching / Football, History, Football
Item Weight31.4 Oz
Item Width8.5 in
Number of Pages160 Pages

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