1. Detachment is simply watching the events that are unfolding around you, getting involved only when your journey is part of the experience.
2. Detachment is stepping back from an experience in order to allow room for God to do His or Her part.
3. Detachment promises quiet contentment.
4. Detachment is making no one a project.
5. Detachment means taking no hostages.
6. Detachment means giving up outcomes.
7. Detachment is letting the solutions be determined by God.
8. Detachment is understanding that we are never the cause of someone else's actions.
9. Detachment is getting over "it," whatever "it" is.
10. Detachment frees up our time.
11. Detachment simplifies our life.
12. Detachment is an acquired habit.
13. Detachment means freedom from obsession.
14. Detachment is knowing that what others do is not a reflection on you.
15. Detachment is not making a big deal of situations, even complicated ones.
16. Detachment empowers us.
17. Detachment frees us from overreaction.
18. Detachment may mean doing nothing.
19. Detachment may be remaining quiet.
20. Detachment is not acquiescence.
21. Detachment is disengagement, nothing more.
22. Detachment means not letting the behavior of others cause you to suffer.
23. Detachment can be triggered by the reminder, "Don't go there."
24. Detachment is not letting someone else's past determine your present.
25. Detachment relies on the "little willingness" to surrender.
26. Detachment is noticing people without judgment.
27. Detachment is freedom from chaos.
28. Detachment is "moving away" from a conversation that begins to irritate.
29. Detachment is knowing that the mind can change if what you say to the mind changes.
30. Detachment is letting decisions that need to be made by others be only theirs.
31. Detachment is "keeping it simple"-staying out of situations that don't directly involve you.
32. Detachment is having your life be about you, not about other people.
33. Detachment is living in our adult observer role.
34. Detachment is not being dependent on others for good feelings.
35. Detachment is taking responsibility for our own life.
36. Detachment means not being a victim anymore.
37. Detachment is living one's own life while letting friends and family live as they choose.
38. Detachment is never letting someone else control how we think, feel, or behave.
39. Detachment is letting go of fear over others' behavior.
40. Detachment is freedom from relying on others to complete our lives.
41. Detachment, when fully expressed, promises peacefulness.
42. Detachment is a gift that we receive from our relationships well lived.
43. Detachment from others is necessary to fully enjoy attachment to God.
44. Detachment is knowing that others' criticisms are about them.
45. Attachment to God is what makes detachment possible.
46. Attachment to anyone other than God imprisons us.
47. Detachment is not letting the mood swings of others determine your own mood.
48. Detachment is practicing the awareness that changing our thoughts can produce changed feelings.
49. Detachment is knowing that happiness is the by-product of how we live our lives, not how others are living theirs.
50. Detachment is not needing attention from others to feel okay.
51. Detachment is being able to care deeply about a situation or another person from an objective point of view.
52. Detachment is not creating or preventing a crisis when it's clearly not our business to be involved.
53. Detachment is letting others have their own opinions.
54. Detachment is being able to let others journey wherever they need to go.
55. Detachment is knowing that you are not God.
56. Detachment is no longer succumbing to the suggestions of others when they are not right for us.
57. Detachment is being able to walk away from situations that are not helpful to us.
58. Detachment is knowing that your life is God's business, not yours.
59. Detachment is knowing what is not your business.
60. Detachment allows us to hear God.
61. Detachment is letting others take care of their own affairs.
62. Attachment to people deadlocks our growth.
63. Detachment can be as simple as breathing and walking away.
64. Detachment can be enhanced by prayer.
65. Detachment means giving up "hostages."
66. Detachment is letting the outcome of another's behavior be his or her problem.
67. Detachment is doing the "next right thing" without focusing on the outcome.
68. Detachment is realizing that our lives are not dependent on what others are doing.
69. Detachment is showing by example, not words, how our lives can change.
70. Detachment is looking at life from a distance.