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Life Through an Aperture: The Films and Photography of Keith Hamshere by Keith H

Recalling Keith's fascination with photography and his growing popularity, he asked his young friend if he would be interested in helping out on 2001: A Space Odyssey. He also pioneered in 'Virtual Reality' and developed and produced 360-degree virtual movie sets, which provided amazing interactive content for film studio executives.

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ConditionBrand New
Publication Year2024
Book TitleLife Through an Aperture : the Films and Photography of Keith Hamshere
AuthorGareth Owen, Keith Hamshere
PublisherHi-Story Press The Limited, T.H.E.
GenrePerforming Arts, Photography, Biography & Autobiography
Item Length9.7 in
TopicIndividual Photographers / General, Film / Genres / General, General, Entertainment & Performing Arts
Item Width7.5 in
Number of Pages280 Pages

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