Making Love with Scripture offers an accessible way of thinking about scriptural interpretation, showing how the destabilization of the text can open us up to the Iiberative work of God's Spirit. It also shows how such a destabilization neither obviates deep evangelical commitments nor renders the text meaningless and ineffectual. It posits a mode of understanding the Word of God revealed in Scripture that melds what is best and life-giving from both the evangelical and mainline traditions. Making Love with Scripture is written for those who reject the dichotomy between evangelical hermeneutics that affirm the importance of Scripture for Christian faith and practice and mainline hermeneutics that diminish or ignore the Bible's significance in favor of acts of justice in the world. It addresses those of us who seek a way toward the liberation of the created order out of systems of oppression and marginalization while at the same time affirming the agency of the Word in and through the biblical witness.