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Markets, Pricing, and Deregulation of Utilities by Michael A. Crew (English) Pap

The contributors to this book discuss the aspects of deregulation that appear to be succeeding and those that seem to be failing. The contents of this book provide a strong theoretical base leading to a better understanding of markets, pricing, and deregulation by utility managers, regulators, and economists.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleMarkets, Pricing, and Deregulation of Utilities
Publication NameMarkets, Pricing, and Deregulation of Utilities
PublisherSpringer-Verlag New York Inc.
SubjectEconomics, Engineering & Technology, Business
Publication Year2012
SeriesTopics in Regulatory Economics and Policy
Item Height235 mm
AuthorJoseph C. Schuh, Michael A. Crew
Item Weight367 g
Item Width155 mm
Number of Pages222 Pages

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