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Mastering the Art of Calligraphy: Everything You Need to Know About Materials,

This expertly presented new book covers all the necessary aspects of the art of "beautiful writing", setting out the essential tools needed to begin, teaching all the basic strokes to form letters, and providing a rich variety of alphabet templates from which to work. An additional feature of the book is a fabulous gallery of examples from the very best calligraphers working today. In the first section of the book the basics are clearly explained: the materials and equipment you will need, and practical instruction for the calligraphic techniques. The second section of the book presents 50 original step-by-step projects that offer practical ideas and inspiration for using calligraphy in all kinds of ways.

32.29$ Buy It Now

Item204911515443Ebay Right Now
Seller simplybestprices-10to20dayshipping ( 475881 ⭐ ) 98.1%
Location: East Hanover, US, NJ
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ConditionBrand New
Item Height2.5 cm
Item Length22.1 cm
Item Weight0.49 kg
Item Width17.8 cm

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