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Migration in the 21st Century : How Will Globalization and Climate Change Aff...

With fossil fuels and water running out, and temperatures and sea levels rising due to climate change, whole communities will need to move and resettle. How will human migrations on this scale be managed in our modern world?.

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ConditionBrand New
Publication Year2010
Book TitleMigration in the 21st Century : How Will Globalization and Climate Change Affect Migration and Settlement?
Book SeriesInvestigating Human Migration and Settlement Ser.
AuthorPaul C. Challen
PublisherCrabtree Publishing Company
GenreJuvenile Nonfiction
TopicSocial Topics / Emigration & Immigration, Science & Nature / Environmental Science & Ecosystems, Social Science / Politics & Government, Business & Economics, Social Science / Customs, Traditions, Anthropology
Item Weight5.9 Oz
Number of Pages48 Pages

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