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Missional Encounter: Approach for Ministering to Invisible Peoples

This book explores Christian mission and the Mbuti Pygmies, a sub-group of Central African Pygmies who are mostly forest dwellers. The Pygmies are often still unseen and discriminated against, and as consequence, still remain unreached and unchurched. The missional encounter to reach and minister to the invisible is the key focus of this research. In order to minister to this population, this book proposes that mission among and for Pygmies should be conceived and practiced in the light of new paradigms in relation to the concept of conversion. Theological education should be a holistic Christ-like approach to reach and minister to the invisible.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 462 pages
AuthorMusolo W'Isuka, Paul K.
Book TitleMissional Encounter: Approach for Ministering to I
Item Height2.4 cm
Item Length21 cm
Item Weight0.55 kg
Item Width14.8 cm

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