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Moxon's Miniature Poets: A Selection from the Works of Lord By...

Titles include: A London plane-tree, and other verse, A selection from the love poetry of William Butler Yeats, Alfred Tennyson, Andrew Marvell, 1621-1678, Tercentenary Tributes, Ballads from Scottish History, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Irish Poems, Lays of the Highlands and Islands, Matthew Arnold's Notebooks, Poems (Emily Brontë), Poems of Robert Browning, Poems of Wordsworth, Shelley and Keats, Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, and Rupert Brooke and Skyros.

17.63$ Buy It Now

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Seller trieste_publishing ( 490 ⭐ ) 96.0%
Location: 1246 Heil Quaker Blvd, US, La Vergne
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ConditionBrand New
AuthorGeorge Gordon Byron, Algernon Chas. Swinburne
Book TitleMoxon's Miniature Poets: A Selection from the Works of Lord By...
TypeShort Stories
TopicFolklore, Short Stories

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