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Music Education on the Verge: Stories of Pandemic Teaching and Transformative Ch

In March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic swept the world causing physical, emotional, economic, and social upheaval in every part of the globe. It also catalyzed a renewed interrogation, by music education faculty in higher education, of philosophies and practices that had long gone unexamined.Music Education on the Verge: Stories of Pandemic Teaching and Transformative Change is a collection of narratives by music teacher-educators describing how they responded to the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic with, and for, their students.

76.72$ Buy It Now

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Seller the_nile ( 1226761 ⭐ ) 98.5%
Location: Melbourne, AU
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ConditionBrand New
AuthorJudy Lewis, Andrea Maas, Randall Everett Allsup
Book TitleMusic Education on the Verge

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