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Mysterium Fidei by Daniel Martin Diaz

Mysterium Fidei, which translates to Mystery of Faith, is the new collection of art from Daniel Martin Diaz. His paintings, prints, and drawings are inspired by devotional folk art, which he blends with archaic imagery and old-world aesthetics, immersed in the passionate imagery of his religion. He loves New Testament stories and the surreal visions they conjure; in this local 19th century mission, he was moved by the crude, darkened old Mexican religious paintings, a hybrid of European and vernacular Mexican art.

56.62$ Buy It Now

Item405281714206Ebay Right Now
Seller yourglobalmall ( 41622 ⭐ ) 97.0%
Location: Los Angeles, US, CA
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BrandLast Gasp,U.S.
FormatHardback, 128 pages

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