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Myths of the Rune Stone : Viking Martyrs and the Birthplace of America, Hardc...

Why do we choose to believe stories that have been disproven?. Faith in the authenticity of the Kensington Rune Stone was a crucial part of the local Nordic identity. The community used the account as the basis for civic celebrations for years, and advocates for the stone continue to promote its validity despite the overwhelming evidence that it was a hoax.

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ConditionLike New
Book TitleMyths of the Rune Stone : Viking Martyrs and the Birthplace of Am
Subject AreaSocial Science, Psychology, History
Publication NameMyths of the Rune Stone : Viking Martyrs and the Birthplace of America
PublisherUniversity of Minnesota Press
Item Length8.6 in
SubjectEthnic Studies / General, Sociology / General, Folklore & Mythology, Social Psychology, United States / State & Local / MidWest (IA, Il, in, Ks, Mi, MN, Mo, Nd, Ne, Oh, Sd, Wi), Sociology of Religion, Europe / Medieval
Publication Year2015
Item Height0.7 in
AuthorDavid M. Krueger
Item Weight13.1 Oz
Item Width5.8 in
Number of Pages232 Pages

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