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Nationalism, Myth, and the State in Russia and Serbia: Antecedents of the Dissol

This book examines the role of Russian and Serbian nationalism in different modes of dissolution of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia in 1991. Why did Russia's elites agree to the dissolution of the Soviet Union along the borders of Soviet republics, leaving twenty-five million Russians outside of Russia?.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleNationalism, Myth, and the State in Russia and Serbia
Subject AreaPolitical Science
Publication NameNationalism, Myth, and the State in Russia and Serbia: Antecedents of the Dissolution of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia
PublisherCambridge University Press
Publication Year2017
Item Height230 mm
AuthorVeljko Vujacic
Item Weight500 g
Item Width153 mm
Number of Pages335 Pages

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