New Age metaphysician Dave Cowan gives us the big picture on the Great Shift - the unstoppable changes taking place on Earth, in the solar system and within each of us in the here and now. He shows that The Shift is not happening to us; WE are shifting. This book pulls it all together - speculative theory, quantum physics, philosophy, the nature of illusion and reality - in one easy-to-understand volume. The Mayans had a term for this transitional period: the "Time of No Time," indicating that, post-2012, time as we know it or experience it may not exist at all or will have changed dramatically. The signs are everywhere: Economic crisis, dramatic hurricanes, floods and earthquakes and increased rates of species extinction. According to New Age metaphysician, David Cowan, we are in the midst of a 25-year transitional period of planetary shift as our solar system approaches the Galactic Photon Band, a shift that is, also, affecting our perception of time.In NAVIGATING THE COLLAPSE OF TIME, Cowan synthesises a broad range of perspectives about this time of transition, from the writings of the ancient Mayans, Aztecs and Incas, to speculative theory, quantum physics, philosophy and the nature of illusion and reality posed by a range of theorists and academics including Ken Carey, Barbara Hand Clow, William Gammill, Zecharia Sitchin, Carl Calleman, Gary Renard, Ken Wapnick, Brent Haskel and many others. Along the way he explores the cosmic influences of Galactic alignment, shifting dimensions, the potential in our DNA for radical evolutionary change, a "revised" history of humanity helping to explain how we got into this current state of genetic and social limitation, what to expect as events continue to unfold to their prescribed conclusion and finally, steps each of us can take to navigate this time of change.