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Negotiating Gendered Identities at Work: Place, Space and Time by Halford, S.

This book, titled "Negotiating Gendered Identities at Work: Place, Space and Time" by S. Halford, is an insightful guide for anyone interested in the subject areas of Social Work, Education, or Zoology. The book comes in a hardcover format with 193 pages and weighs 412g. It was published in 2006 by Palgrave USA and is a study guide that explores the complexities of gender identity in the workplace. The book is written in English and measures at 216mm in height and 140mm in width. With its detailed analysis, this book is a must-read for those interested in the topic of gender identity and its impact on the modern workplace.

12.87$ Buy It Now

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Book TitleNegotiating Gendered Identities at Work: Place, Space and Time

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