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Negotiating Identities in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Montreal by Bettina

Negotiating Identities in 19th- and 20th-Century Montrealilluminates the cultural complexity and richness of a modernizing cityand its people. This bookwill be of interest to a wide range of social and cultural historians,critical geographers, students of gender studies, and those wanting toknow more about the fascinating past of one of Canada's mostlively cities.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleNegotiating Identities in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Montr
Subject AreaSocial Science, Psychology, History
Publication NameNegotiating Identities in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Montreal
PublisherUniversity of British Columbia Press
Item Length9 in
SubjectCanada / General, Social Classes & Economic Disparity, Sociology / General, Social History, General, Canada / Post-Confederation (1867-), Sociology / Urban
Publication Year2006
FormatTrade Paperback
Item Height0.9 in
AuthorTamara Myers
Item Weight15.5 Oz
Item Width6 in
Number of Pages328 Pages

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