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Neoliberal Apartheid - Palestine/Israel and South Africa afte... - 9780226430096

ISBN-13: 9780226430096, 978-0226430096. Neoliberal Apartheid - Palestine/Israel and South Africa after 1994 Author(s): Andy Clarno. In the early 1990s, both South Africa and Israel began negotiating with their colonized populations.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleNeoliberal Apartheid - Palestine/Israel and South Africa after...
Publication Year2017
Publication NameNeoliberal Apartheid-Palestine/Israel and South Africa after 1994
Item Height227 mm
AuthorAndy Clarno
PublisherT.H.E. University of Chicago Press
Item Weight470 g
Item Width159 mm
Number of Pages288 Pages

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