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No More Heroes: The Royal Navy in the Twentieth Century: Anatomy of a Legend

This book, originally published in 1975 and authored by an ex-Naval officer, assesses the performance and management of the Royal Navy in the twentieth century. It examines the nature and tasks of the twentieth century Navy, by tracing the fortunes of it under successive First Sea Lords. It examines how the higher echelons of the service have altered and how and why naval policy has changed. Among other issues the book discusses the actions of Beresford and Fisher, Beaty and Jellifcoe, Chatfield, Pound and Mountbatten. It appraises Churchill, the Invergordon Mutiny and the strains fo the 1930s; discusses the Navy’s role in two World Wars and post-war disarmament.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleNo More Heroes: The Royal Navy in the Twentieth Ce
Item Length23.4 cm

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