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Nurturing Spirituality in Children: Simple Hands-On Activities by Peggy Joy Jenk

Nurturing Spirituality in Children by Peggy Joy Jenkins. The greatest gifts that a child can receive are an open mind, a caring heart, and ignited creativity. This fully expanded, illustrated edition of Peggy Jenkins' Nurturing Spirituality in Children includes sixty-two simple and thought-provoking lessons that can be shared with children in less than ten minutes each.

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ConditionBrand New
Publication NameNA
Book TitleNurturing Spirituality in Children : Simple Hands-On Activities
PublisherAtria Books
Item Length8.5 in
Publication Year2008
FormatTrade Paperback
Item Height0.6 in
AuthorPeggy Joy Jenkins
GenreFamily & Relationships, Religion, Self-Help, Psychology
TopicSpirituality, Parenting / General, Education, Spiritual, Developmental / Child, General
Item Weight6.6 Oz
Item Width5.4 in
Number of Pages192 Pages

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