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Ollie's School Day: A Yes-And-No Story by Stephanie Calmenson

Would you like to read an Ollie story? YES! From the very first line to the final page, Ollie's School Day begs to be read aloud-- and together. What will Ollie wear to school? A bathing suit? NO! A space suit? NO! A police officer's uniform? NO! Will Ollie wear pants, a shirt, socks and shoes? YES! Call-and-response text in a simple pattern-- three increasingly outlandish NO! options followed by a resounding YES!-- model social skills and positive classroom behavior, pairing the subtle message with high-energy illustrations of Ollie's ridiculous rejected options. Readers will be quick to catch on and shout out the next answer-- if they can stop laughing, that is. Will kids love Ollie's School Day? YES!

13.41$ Buy It Now

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Seller simplybestprices-10to20dayshipping ( 474789 ⭐ ) 98.2%
Location: East Hanover, US, NJ
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ConditionBrand New
Item Length27.2 cm

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