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On American Soil: How Justice Became a Casualty of World War II by Jack Hamann (

During the night of August 14, 1944, an Italian prisoner of war was lynched on the Fort Lawton army base in Seattle--a murder that shocked the nation and the international community. He has won ten Emmy Awards for his work.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleOn American Soil
Subject AreaSocial Science, History
Publication NameOn American Soil : How Justice Became a Casualty of World War II
PublisherUniversity of Washington Press
Item Length9.3 in
SubjectMilitary / World War II, Military / General, United States / State & Local / Pacific Northwest (Or, Wa), Penology, Ethnic Studies / African American Studies
Publication Year2007
Item Height0.9 in
AuthorJack Hamann
Item Weight18.3 Oz
Item Width5.9 in
Number of Pages384 Pages

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