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On Becoming Potty Wise for Toddlers: A Developmental Readiness Approach to Potty

Timing:Learn to recognize the optimal window for potty training your toddler. Education: Learning the most effective way to teach your toddler the potty training process. Potty Training doesn't have to be complicated and neither should a resource that explains it.

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ConditionBrand New
Publication NameNA
Book TitleOn Becoming Potty-Wise for Toddlers : a Developmental Readiness Approach to Potty Training
PublisherCharleston Publishing Group, INC International Concepts.-Hawksflight Publishing
Item Length8.3 in
Publication Year2005
Item Height0.4 in
AuthorGary Ezzo, Robert Bucknam
GenreFamily & Relationships
TopicParenting / General, Toilet Training
Item Weight5.5 Oz
Item Width5.4 in
Number of Pages135 Pages

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