Product Information Organ Transplant, Euthanasia, Cloning And Animal Experimentation - Paperback DESCRIPTION
Muslims believe that everything they own is given to them as an amanah (trust) from Allah. The author sheds light on how modern medical issues should be handled in light of our Islamic responsibilities.Organ Transplantation, Euthanasia, Cloning and Animal Experimentation: An Islamic View have given rise to a host of ethico-legal issues. Muslims believe that everything they own has been given to them as an amanah (trust) from Allah. Would it constitute a breach of that trust to consent to enrol oneself as an organ donor? Cloning could rectify the problem of infertile couples, but such technology could also be abused with dire consequences. While euthanasia may apparently alleviate the suffering of the terminally ill, would that not compound their agony in the life hereafter? The author sheds light on these issues and acquaints the reader with the latest rulings on these biotechnological manipulations. Abul Fadl Mohsin Ebrahim, hailing from the Seychelles, resides in South Africa. He holds the following degrees: BA (Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies - Karachi); B.Th. (AI-Azhar - Cairo); and MA and PhD (Temple University - Philadelphia). He has particular interest in Islamic Law and Bioethics. He is Professor of Islamic Studies and is attached to the School of Religion and Culture, University of Durban - Westville, South Africa. His earlier work, Abortion, Birth Control and Surrogate Motherhood -An Islamic Perspective, was published in 1989 by American Trust Publications, Indianapolis, USA. THE ISLAMIC FOUNDATION is an educational and research organization devoted to making Islam a living reality in our age. For this purpose, it aims to improve human communication and develop a better understanding of Islam among all people of the world, Muslim and non-Muslim, so as to galvanize man to the message and ideal of One God and the unity of mankind, as brought by all the Prophets of God throughout the ages, last of whom was the Prophet Muhammad (blessings of Allah an
Organ Transplant, Euthanasia, Cloning And Animal Experimentation - Paperback