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Our Mutual Friend: Introduction by Andrew Sanders by Charles Dickens (English) H

Charles Dickens was born in a little house in Landport, Portsea, England, on February 7, 1812. The second of eight children, he grew up in a family frequently beset by financial insecurity. At age eleven, Dickens was taken out of school and sent to work in London backing warehouse, where his job was to paste labels on bottles for six shillings a week.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleOur Mutual Friend : Introduction by Andrew Sanders
Book SeriesEveryman's Library Classics Ser.
PublisherKnopf Doubleday Publishing Group
Item Length8.3 in
Publication Year1994
Item Height1.9 in
AuthorCharles Dickens
TopicClassics, Satire, Literary
Item Weight32.7 Oz
Item Width5.2 in
Number of Pages880 Pages

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