Born on a Norwich council estate in 1947, David Armstrong describes his childhood as poor but idyllic. Fuelled by his passion and love of the Norfolk countryside.
David delighted in working on a local farm from the tender age of 9. His life was to change in the most harrowing way in 1960, convicted of a minor misdemeanour at the age of 13, he was delivered from his utopian life, straight to the hell of St Vincent's.
A Catholic Approved School at Dartford in Kent. During his time at St Vincent's, he was sexually, physically and mentally abused by those ironically supposed to be his carer's and protectors, the Catholic Brothers. The abuse he was subjected to at St Vincent's lead on to him spending almost a decade, in Borstal, prison and unwarrantedly being sent to the most infamous mental institution in Britain, Broadmoor.
Whilst David was detained at Broadmoor forced to co reside in close proximity with inmates he loathed with the same repulsion as his perpetrators of abuse at St Vincent's, he concluded his journey through hell had reached its lowest point, he could not have been more mistaken, for it is here his nightmare continues with his encounters with Britain's most notorious serial sexual predator, Jimmy Savile. To the world Savile portrayed himself as a respectable national treasure, associating with royalty and the worlds hierarchy. However, David's eye witness testimonies reveal a dark sinister evil and vile deceptive individual, whom hid behind this cloak of respectability. His personal accounts of those encounters with Savile, are now available to read in Armstrongs latest revised edition of "Out of the Shadows".
David's story is a harrowing journey, yet emotive and an inspiration, striving to heroically come to terms with the abuse of his past. He crucially learnt that forgiveness is the great key to happiness. His decision to tell his story echoes the words of the quote by Edmund Burke. "If good men stay silent evil will prevail".