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Overcoming Zionism: Creating a Single Democratic State in Israel/Palestine by Jo

Kovel is well-known writer on the Middle East conflict. This book draws on his detailed knowledge to show that Zionism and democracy are essentially incompatible. Overcoming Zionism by Joel Kovel. He was the advisory editor of Socialist Resistance and is the author of Overcoming Zionism and The Enemy of Nature amongst many other books.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleOvercoming Zionism
Subject AreaPolitical Science, History
Publication NameOvercoming Zionism : Creating a Single Democratic State in Israel/Palestine
PublisherPluto Press
Item Length8.4 in
SubjectHuman Rights, Peace, World / Middle Eastern, Middle East / Israel & Palestine, Political Ideologies / Democracy, Jewish
Publication Year2007
FormatUk-Trade Paper
Item Height0.9 in
AuthorJoel Kovel
Item Weight14.1 Oz
Item Width5.5 in
Number of Pages320 Pages

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