Paradise Lost Through Domestic Abuse and Violence: Professional Insight Into a Dark World is a book that provides clinical insight into the destructive dynamics of domestic violence and intimate partner violence from years working with abusers and victims. Real life cases that involved intimate partner homicide, chocking, assault, threats, stalking, intimidation, suicide, property destruction, control, and aggression are presented to help with understanding how this hidden social problem destroys lives and ends relationships. The effects on victims such as injuries, depression, anxiety, fear, post-traumatic stress, self-esteem, insomnia, hypervigalence, and isolation are identified with emphasis on the healing process. Resources for victims are presented to increase their safety. Effects on children witnessing or being victimized by domestic violence is depicted in chapter 5. Strengths and challenges of agencies that work with intimate partner violence like law enforcement, courts, or probation departments will be explored. High risk factors for continued abuse and violence are identified in detail. The potential for change in abusers to increase safety with their partners and families is very controversial and information is presented to gain insight into whether or not this is possible. The majority of cases presented in this book involved abuse and violence that resulted in arrest. In addition to anecdotal information gained from close to thirty years of clinical practice, many statistics are provided to help readers understand why abuse occurs and how to stop it. The details of intimate partner violence presented are destructive, chilling, and real.