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Placemaking: Production of Built Environment in Two Cultures (Routledge

Originally published in 1993, as part of the Ethnoscapes: Current Challenges in the Environmental Social Sciences series, reissued now with a new series introduction, Placemaking: Production of Built Environment in Two Cultures is a book about the context of placemaking – the production of vernacular architecture and settlement. It is an attempt at prototheory, the formation of a perspective with which to view built environment produced by traditional societies. Focusing on two examples: carved dwellings and other masonry structures of Anatolian Turkey and pre- and post-conquest Southwestern pueblos in the US. Architectural and settlement phenomena are analyzed primarily in terms of the social forces that gave rise to them, rather than their formal properties.

113.73$ Buy It Now

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Location: Hillsdale, AU, NSW
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ConditionBrand New
FormatHardback, 400 pages
AuthorDavid Stea
Item Height2.4 cm
Item Length23.4 cm
Item Weight0.91 kg
Item Width15.6 cm

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