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Placemaking with Children and Youth: Participatory Practices for Planning Sustai

Placemaking with Children and Youth by Victoria Derr, Louise Chawla, Mara Mintzer. It explains the importance of children's active participation in their societies and presents ways to bring all generations together to plan cities with a high quality of life for people of all ages.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitlePlacemaking with Children and Youth
Subject AreaPolitical Science, Architecture, Social Science, Education, Business & Economics
Publication NamePlacemaking with Children and Youth : Participatory Practices for Planning Sustainable Communities
PublisherNew Village Press
Item Length10 in
SubjectUrban & Land Use Planning, Children's Studies, Sociology / General, Public Policy / City Planning & Urban Development, General, Development / Sustainable Development
Publication Year2018
FormatTrade Paperback
Item Height0.8 in
AuthorVictoria Derr, Mara Mintzer, Louise Chawla
Item Weight28.8 Oz
Item Width7 in
Number of Pages416 Pages

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