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Planting Design for Dry Gardens: Beautiful, Resilient Groundcovers for

In this book, pioneering nurseryman Olivier Filippi offers low-level planting designs that are eco-friendly and so beautiful they redefine the conventional distinction between lawn and plant borders. Inspired by the wild plant communities of Europe, the Middle East, and the USA, these rigorously trialled plant combinations can be used on terraces, paths, gravel beds and flower borders, as well as on areas that are traditionally laid to lawn. With a plant directory that lists over 200 tough but beautiful dry garden plants and Filippi's innovative maintenance techniques, this is the perfect companion to his first book The Dry Gardening Handbook and will delight all dry garden owners.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitlePlanting Design for Dry Gardens : Beautiful, Resilient Groundcovers for Terraces, Paved Areas, Gravel and Other Alternatives to the Lawn
PublisherFilbert Press
Item Length11.8 in
Publication Year2016
Item Height0.8 in
AuthorOlivier Filippi
GenreTechnology & Engineering, Gardening
TopicAgriculture / Agronomy / Crop Science, Climatic / Desert, Garden Design
Item Weight57.1 Oz
Item Width9.3 in
Number of Pages240 Pages

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