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Political Bubbles: Financial Crises and the Failure of American Democracy by How

"If you thought that the financial crisis was just about finance and the alphabet soup of financial products, think again. --Gregory Wawro, Columbia University. Their central thesis is that the underlying cause of the Great Recession was the 'political bubble'. The warnings for the U.S. political system are dire, and the authors make the case for political courage in dealing with wealth inequalities.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitlePolitical Bubbles
Subject AreaPolitical Science
Publication NamePolitical Bubbles: Financial Crises and the Failure of American Democracy
PublisherPrinceton University Press
SubjectEconomics, Government, Politics
Publication Year2015
Item Height229 mm
AuthorKeith T. Poole, Howard Rosenthal, Nolan Mccarty
Item Weight454 g
Item Width146 mm
Number of Pages368 Pages

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