In Pope Francis' Revolution of Tenderness and Love: Theological and Pastoral Perspectives, Cardinal Walter Kasper, who has been referred to as "the pope's theologian," has "brought fresh air into the church, the wind, the confidence, joy and freedom." This fresh air is not simply the result of a charismatic figure, but rests in the deep rooted theological and pastoral experience of Jorge Mario Bergoglio. This book outlines the significant influences that have led Kasper to call Francis a pope leading a radical revolution of tenderness and love- radical because it is rooted in the Gospel. According to Kasper, Francis' experiences are rooted in a movement that began with the Second Vatican Council. Kasper traces Francis' continuity with the popes who have preceded him, St. John XXIII, Pope Paul VI, St. John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI: There is no real surprise in what Francis is saying; he emphasizes that there are not any new features, just the eternal newness of the Gospel, which repeats itself over and over again. Jesus Christ, is "the eternal Gospel....he is the same yesterday, today, and forever, yet his wealth and his beauty are inexhaustible" (EG 11). Francis embodies the living tradition of the church meeting the modern world. The central theological vision of Pope Francis is the understanding of God as mercy itself. If God is mercy, then what are its ramifications for believers? Francis says: "Look, read the Beatitudes that will do you good. If you then want to know what you have to do specifically, read Matthew chapter 25. This is the pattern in which we will be judged. With these two things, you have the plan of action: the Beatitudes and Matthew 25. You don't need to read anything else. And I ask you with all my heart." The church is for Francis far more than an organic and hierarchical institution; it is above all God's people on the way to God, the pilgrim and evangelizing the people that always, if necessary, also exceeds institutional expression. The Church must have the mercy of God as its central theme and activity. In conclusion, Kasper describes Francis in soccer terms as "the man of the match," a charismatic, confident leader completely convinced of the message of the Gospel. He "combines continuity with the great tradition of the Church with renewal and ever new surprises. This also includes a poor church for the poor. This is not a liberal program; it is a radical program. Radical because it touches on the root and is a revolution of tenderness and love....What the pope is proposing is the humble way devout people move continents and can move mountains (Mt 17,19; 21,21). A little mercy-he says-can change the world. This is the Christian revolution....It is revolution in the true sense of the word-originally, the return to the origin of the Gospel as a way forward, a revolution of mercy