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Psalms 1-44: A Theological Commentary for Preachers by Abraham Kuruvilla

This three-volume commentary on the Psalms engages hermeneutics for preaching, employing theological exegesis that enables the preacher to utilize all the psalms in the Psalter to craft effective sermons. It unpacks the crucial link between Scripture and application: the theology of each preaching text/psalm--what the author is doing with what he is saying in each psalm--is explored and explicated. While the primary goal of the commentary is to take the preacher from text to theology, it also provides a sermon outline for each of the preaching units in the Psalms. The unique approach of this work results in a theology-for-preaching commentary that promises to be useful for anyone teaching from the Psalter with an emphasis on application.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 358 pages
AuthorAbraham Kuruvilla
Book TitlePsalms 1-44: A Theological Commentary for Preacher
Item Height1.9 cm
Item Length25.4 cm
Item Weight0.62 kg
Item Width17.8 cm
PublisherCascade Books

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