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Psychoanalysis and Revolution: Critical Psychology for Liberation Movements

What is revolutionary about psychoanalysis, and why should those of us concerned with political praxis take it seriously? This manifesto is an argument for connecting social transformation with personal liberation, showing that the two aspects of profound change can be intimately linked together using psychoanalysis. This manifesto explores what lies beyond us, what we keep repeating, what pushes and pulls us to stay the same and to change, and how those phenomena are transferred into clinical space. This book is not uncritical of psychoanalysis, and transforms it so that liberation movements can transform the world. With a preface by Suryia Nayak.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 192 pages
AuthorParker, Ian
Book TitlePsychoanalysis and Revolution: Critical Psychology
Item Height1.1 cm
Item Length19.8 cm
Item Weight0.2 kg
Item Width12.9 cm
Publisher1968 Press

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