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Quick Steps To Taming MS: A Concise Guide to Multiple Sclerosis and Immune

This book is designed to present information and options quickly to those who may not be feeling well enough, or have enough time, to cope with more in-depth reading. In positive and easy-to-understand language, the author gives a step-by-step account of all the things she did to help repair her own immune system when diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Ranging from the use of vitamin supplements to diet plans, 'Quick Steps to Taming MS' will help the reader navigate through the wealth of information regarding alternative health routes and enable them to quickly put into practice the methods that the author used to repair and strengthen her immune system. From MS to general immune system malaise, this book is guaranteed to give you a kick start!

6.31$ Buy It Now

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Location: Gloucester, GB
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ConditionBrand New
Item Length22.9 cm
Item Weight0.1 kg

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