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Race, Removal, and the Right to Remain: Migration and the Making of the United S

In the country's founding decades, federal and state politicians debated which categories of people could remain and which should be subject to removal. But, as Samantha Seeley demonstrates, removal, like the right to remain, was a battle fought on multiple fronts.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleRace, Removal, and the Right to Remain
Subject AreaSocial Science, Business & Economics, History
Publication NameRace, Removal, and the Right to Remain : Migration and the Making of the United States
PublisherUniversity of North Carolina Press
Item Length9.4 in
SubjectEconomics / General, Ethnic Studies / Native American Studies, United States / General, Ethnic Studies / African American Studies
Publication Year2021
SeriesPublished by the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture and the University of North Carolina Press Ser.
Item Height1.3 in
AuthorSamantha Seeley
Item Weight22.6 Oz
Item Width6.4 in
Number of Pages368 Pages

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