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Racism in the United States, Third Edition: Implications for the Helping

This text discusses how racism can be dealt with in clinical, communal and organizational contexts. Includes a new chapter on the root causes for the increased flow of migrants, displaced people, and refugees and the impact of racism on their lives; and discusses the rise of fascism and white supremacy along with the confluence of racism and COVID-19.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleRacism in the United States, Third Edition: Implic
Item Length25.4 cm
Item Weight0.75 kg
Publication Year2021
Subject AreaSocial Work
Publication NameRacism in the United States: Implications for the Helping Professions
Item Height254 mm
AuthorHye-Kyung Kang, Ann Marie Garran, Lisa Werkmeister Rozas, Joshua Miller
PublisherSpringer Publishing Co Inc
SubjectSocial Sciences, Criminology
Item Width178 mm
Number of Pages400 Pages

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