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Re-Sisters: The Lives and Recordings of Delia Derbyshire, Margery Kempe and

A fascinating tale of the interlinking lives of three legendary trailblazers. 'SALENA GODDEN'Re-sisters emanates an enthralling power. 'JON SAVAGEMyself, Delia and Margery - a trinity of the sacred and profane, sinners and saints of a kind.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 400 pages, Main Edition
AuthorTutti, Cosey Fanni
Book TitleRe-Sisters: The Lives and Recordings of Delia Derb
Item Height3.3 cm
Item Length19.3 cm
Item Weight0.33 kg
Item Width12.7 cm
PublisherFaber & Faber

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