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Reading Rorty: Critical Responses to Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature and Bey

Discussions, by philosophers such as W.V. Cline, Donald Davidson, Bernard Williams, Charles Taylor, John Yolton and Martin Hollis, cover Rorty's views on truth, language, knowledge and the self, together with his pragmatism, his "continental turn" and his regard for the literary potential of philosophical writing.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleReading Rorty
Subject AreaPhilosophy
Publication NameReading Rorty : Critical Responses to Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature and Beyond
PublisherWiley & Sons, Incorporated, John
Item Length9 in
SubjectGeneral, History & Surveys / Modern, Movements / Analytic
Publication Year1991
FormatTrade Paperback
Item Height1.2 in
AuthorAlan Malachowski
Item Weight22 Oz
Item Width6.1 in
Number of Pages400 Pages

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