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Reading, Writing, and Revolution: Escuelitas and the Emergence of a Mexican Amer

Language has long functioned as a signifier of power in the United States. Reading, Writing, and Revolution by Philis Barragán Goetz. Title Reading, Writing, and Revolution. Philis M. Barragán Goetz is an assistant professor of history at Texas A&M University–San Antonio.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleReading, Writing, and Revolution
Subject AreaEducation, History
Publication NameReading, Writing, and Revolution : Escuelitas and the Emergence of a Mexican American Identity in Texas
PublisherUniversity of Texas Press
Item Length9.1 in
SubjectLatin America / Mexico, United States / 20th Century, General, History
Publication Year2020
Item Height1 in
AuthorPhilis Barragán Goetz
Item Weight18.1 Oz
Item Width6.1 in
Number of Pages248 Pages

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