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Format | Paperback |
Language | English |
ISBN-13 | 9780190845889 |
Author | Dale Jamieson |
Book Title | Reason in a Dark Time |
From the 1992 Rio Earth Summit to the 2009 Copenhagen Climate Conference there was a concerted international effort to stop climate change. This book is about what climate change is, why we failed to stop it, and why it still matters what we do.
FORMATPaperback LANGUAGEEnglish CONDITIONBrand New Publisher DescriptionFrom the 1992 Rio Earth Summit to the 2009 Copenhagen Climate Conference there was a concerted international effort to stop climate change. Yet greenhouse gas emissions increased, atmospheric concentrations grew, and global warming became an observable fact of life. In this book, philosopher Dale Jamieson explains what climate change is, why we have failed to stop it, and why it still matters what we do. Centered in philosophy, the volume alsotreats the scientific, historical, economic, and political dimensions of climate change. Our failure to prevent or even to respond significantly to climate change, Jamieson argues, reflects theimpoverishment of our systems of practical reason, the paralysis of our politics, and the limits of our cognitive and affective capacities. The climate change that is underway is remaking the world in such a way that familiar comforts, places, and ways of life will disappear in years or decades rather than centuries. Climate change also threatens our sense of meaning, since it is difficult to believe that our individual actions matter. The challenges that climate changepresents go beyond the resources of common sense morality -- it can be hard to view such everyday acts as driving and flying as presenting moral problems. Yet there is much that we can do to slow climatechange, to adapt to it and restore a sense of agency while living meaningful lives in a changing world.
Author BiographyDale Jamieson teaches Environmental Studies, Philosophy, and Law at New York University, and was formerly affiliated with the National Center for Atmospheric Research. He is the author of Ethics and the Environment: An Introduction, and Morality's Progress: Essays on Humans, Other Animals, and the Rest of Nature.
Table of Contents1. Introduction2. The Nature of the Problem2.1 The Development of Climate Science2.2 Climate Change as a Public Issue2.3 The Age of Climate Diplomacy2.4 Concluding Remarks3. Obstacles to Action3.1 Scientific Ignorance3.2 Politicizing Science3.3 Facts and Values3.4 The Science/Policy Interface3.5 Organized Denial3.6 Partisanship3.7 Political Institutions3.8 The Hardest Problem3.9 Concluding Remarks4. The Limits of Economics4.1 Economics and Climate Change4.2 The Stern Review and Its Critics4.3 Discounting4.4 Further Problems4.5 State of the Discussion4.6 Concluding Remarks5. The Frontiers of Ethics5.1 The Domain of Concern5.2 Responsibility and Harm5.3 Fault Liability5.4 Human Rights and Domination5.5 Differences That Matter5.6 Revising Morality5.7 Concluding Remarks6. Living With Climate Change6.1 Life in the Anthropocene6.2 It Doesn't Matter What I Do6.3 It's Not the Meat It's the Motion6.4 Ethics for the Anthropocene6.5 Respect For Nature6.6 Global Justice6.7 Concluding Remarks7. Politics, Policy, and the Road Ahead7.1 The Rectification of Names7.2 Adaptation: The Neglected Option?7.3 Why Abatement and Mitigation Still Matter7.4 The Category Formerly Known as Geoengineering7.5 The Way Forward7.6 Concluding Remarks
Review"Jamieson's ethical approach deserves serious consideration, especially since it manages to take our relationship with nature seriously while avoiding the debate about whether the value in nature is intrinsic or instrumental... wide-ranging and ambitious" --Journal of Applied Philosophy"he has a gift for translating complexities into simple, often arresting terms, and is able to make even familiar material seem fresh...The result is a book that is uncommonly accessible to nonspecialists, and will resonate even among those working in the trenches of climate policy, for whom works of pure philosophy often seem somewhat beside the point...This is sound advice not only for economists but for anyone writing about climate change. Reason in a DarkTime succeeds so well because Jamieson, with very few exceptions, practices what he preaches." --Ethics and International Affairs"A book that does justice to the full tragedy and weird comedy of climate change is Reason in a Dark Time, by the philosopher Dale Jamieson. Ordinarily, I avoid books on the subject, but a friend recommended it to me last summer, and I was intrigued by its subtitle, "Why the Struggle Against Climate Change Failed-And What It Means for Our Future"; by the word "failed" in particular, the past tense of it. I started reading and couldn't stop...I'dexpected to be depressed by "Reason in a Dark Time" but I wasn't. Part of what's mesmerizing about climate change is its vastness across both space and time. Jamieson, by elucidating our past failures and castingdoubt on whether we'll ever do any better, situates it within a humanely scaled context."-- Jonathan Franzen in The New Yorker"An invaluable contribution to the dialogue about how to minimize the inevitable social and environmental devastation that looms large in our future."-- Booklist"This book is a must read by all who wish to bring reason to the challenges [of climate change] we are going to face very soon, whether we want to or not..." --Green Energy Times"Jamieson provides a wide-ranging account, looking at the lack of political incentives to act and at the influence of organised climate denial...Jamieson concludes with some observations about things we can definitely do for the better right away (abandon coal), and with shrewd reflections on living with the knowledge that we flunked the climate test." --Times Higher Education"A highly informative, wise, and thought-provoking discussion of some of the greatest problems that humanity faces, and of some possible solutions."--Derek Parfit, All Souls College, Oxford"Dale Jamieson is a philosopher and a realist. He was been working on climate change for a quarter of a century, alongside both scientists and policy makers. He argues that we are heading down a dangerous road and will likely have to face a much more difficult world. But he also argues that there is so much we can do individually and collectively to make a difference, and warns that the best must not be the enemy of the good. This is a very thoughtful andvaluable book and should be read by all those who would wish to bring reason to a defining challenge of our century."--Professor Lord Nicholas Stern"No one but Dale Jamieson could write an eminently readable book about climate change that ranges over the full sweep of the problem from the historical to the ethical, the scientific to the political. By placing this vexing issue into the broader context of the human condition, Jamieson guides the reader's mood from pessimism to optimism, and finally realism about our prospects."--Michael Oppenheimer, Albert G. Milbank Professor of Geosciences and International Affairs, Princeton University"Part requiem for our failed hopes and part vision for our uncertain future, this remarkably far-ranging work by the philosopher who has thought longest and hardest about climate change could inspire fruitfully radical reassessment of our attitudes toward the most far-reaching challenge of our lifetimes. The climate is changing -- can we?"--Henry Shue, Centre for International Studies, University of Oxford"Although Jamieson characterizes the Enlightenment faith in reason as a "dream," and recognizes that it is in particularly short supply in climate change policy, he is very much a man of the Enlightenment himself - hence his title, with its emphasis on reason, even in dark times, and his stated goal, which is to make readers think. Reason in a Dark Time succeeds admirably in this task. Although much of the ground Jamieson explores is well trodden, he has a giftfor translating complexities into simple, often arresting terms, and is able to make even familiar material seem fresh." -- Ethics and International Affairs"Forget learning about the science of climate change; read this book to learn about society and perhaps do a little bit of soul-searching. Summing Up: Highly recommended. " --CHOICE"Reason in a Dark Time by Dale Jamieson (Oxford): precisely because it's the first book to be fully honest about climate change, it's the one book on the subject that stands a chance of not depressing you. It may even change your life." -- Jonathan Franzen, The Guardian, recommended as "Best Holiday Reads 2015""Jamieson's book is a compelling, sophisticated, and highly learned contribution to climate scholarship written for an interdisciplinary and more general audience. In style, it is characteristically clear, well organized, and incisive yet suffused with a warm, humane sensibility and good humor. It is not afraid to make suggestive comments and signal broad programmatic change. In content, the book contains magisterial overviews of the history of the climateproblem, climate economics, and obstacles to action." -- Ethics
PromotionalA sober diagnosis of why we have failed to prevent climate change and a proposal for how to move forward in a changing world
PrizesWinner of Winner of the American Philosophical Association's 2013 Public Philosophy Op-Ed Contest.
Long DescriptionFrom the 1992 Rio Earth Summit to the 2009 Copenhagen Climate Conference there was a concerted international effort to stop climate change. Yet greenhouse gas emissions increased, atmospheric concentrations grew, and global warming became an observable fact of life. In this book, philosopher Dale Jamieson explains what climate change is, why we have failed to stop it, and why it still matters what we do. Centered in philosophy, the volume also treats the scientific, historical, economic, and political dimensions of climate change. Our failure to prevent or even to respond significantly to climate change, Jamieson argues, reflects the impoverishment of our systems of practical reason, the paralysis of our politics, and the limits of our cognitive andaffective capacities. The climate change that is underway is remaking the world in such a way that familiar comforts, places, and ways of life will disappear in years or decades rather than centuries. Climate change also threatens our sense of meaning, since it is difficult to believe that our individual actions matter. The challenges that climate change presents go beyond the resources of common sense morality -- it can be hard to view such everyday acts as driving and flying as presenting moral problems. Yet there is much that we can do to slow climate change, to adapt to it and restore a sense of agency while living meaningful lives in a changing world.
Review Text"Jamieson''s ethical approach deserves serious consideration, especially since it manages to take our relationship with nature seriously while avoiding the debate about whether the value in nature is intrinsic or instrumental... wide-ranging and ambitious" --Journal of Applied Philosophy"he has a gift for translating complexities into simple, often arresting terms, and is able to make even familiar material seem fresh...The result is a book that is uncommonly accessible to nonspecialists, and will resonate even among those working in the trenches of climate policy, for whom works of pure philosophy often seem somewhat beside the point...This is sound advice not only for economists but for anyone writing about climate change. Reason in a DarkTime succeeds so well because Jamieson, with very few exceptions, practices what he preaches." --Ethics and International Affairs"A book that does justice to the full tragedy and weird comedy of climate change is Reason in a Dark Time, by the philosopher Dale Jamieson. Ordinarily, I avoid books on the subject, but a friend recommended it to me last summer, and I was intrigued by its subtitle, "Why the Struggle Against Climate Change Failed-And What It Means for Our Future"; by the word "failed" in particular, the past tense of it. I started reading and couldn''t stop...I''dexpected to be depressed by "Reason in a Dark Time" but I wasn''t. Part of what''s mesmerizing about climate change is its vastness across both space and time. Jamieson, by elucidating our past failures and castingdoubt on whether we''ll ever do any better, situates it within a humanely scaled context." -- Jonathan Franzen in The New Yorker"An invaluable contribution to the dialogue about how to minimize the inevitable social and environmental devastation that looms large in our future." -- Booklist"This book is a must read by all who wish to bring reason to the challenges [of climate change] we are going to face very soon, whether we want to or not..." --Green Energy Times"Jamieson provides a wide-ranging account, looking at the lack of political incentives to act and at the influence of organised climate denial...Jamieson concludes with some observations about things we can definitely do for the better right away (abandon coal), and with shrewd reflections on living with the knowledge that we flunked the climate test." --Times Higher Education"A highly informative, wise, and thought-provoking discussion of some of the greatest problems that humanity faces, and of some possible solutions." --Derek Parfit, All Souls College, Oxford"Dale Jamieson is a philosopher and a realist. He was been working on climate change for a quarter of a century, alongside both scientists and policy makers. He argues that we are heading down a dangerous road and will likely have to face a much more difficult world. But he also argues that there is so much we can do individually and collectively to make a difference, and warns that the best must not be the enemy of the good. This is a very thoughtful andvaluable book and should be read by all those who would wish to bring reason to a defining challenge of our century." --Professor Lord Nicholas Stern"No one but Dale Jamieson could write an eminently readable book about climate change that ranges over the full sweep of the problem from the historical to the ethical, the scientific to the political. By placing this vexing issue into the broader context of the human condition, Jamieson guides the reader''s mood from pessimism to optimism, and finally realism about our prospects." --Michael Oppenheimer, Albert G. Milbank Professor of Geosciences and International Affairs, Princeton University"Part requiem for our failed hopes and part vision for our uncertain future, this remarkably far-ranging work by the philosopher who has thought longest and hardest about climate change could inspire fruitfully radical reassessment of our attitudes toward the most far-reaching challenge of our lifetimes. The climate is changing -- can we?" --Henry Shue, Centre for International Studies, University of Oxford"Although Jamieson characterizes the Enlightenment faith in reason as a "dream," and recognizes that it is in particularly short supply in climate change policy, he is very much a man of the Enlightenment himself - hence his title, with its emphasis on reason, even in dark times, and his stated goal, which is to make readers think. Reason in a Dark Time succeeds admirably in this task. Although much of the ground Jamieson explores is well trodden, he has a giftfor translating complexities into simple, often arresting terms, and is able to make even familiar material seem fresh." -- Ethics and International Affairs"Forget learning about the science of climate change; read this book to learn about society and perhaps do a little bit of soul-searching. Summing Up: Highly recommended. " --CHOICE"Reason in a Dark Time by Dale Jamieson (Oxford): precisely because it''s the first book to be fully honest about climate change, it''s the one book on the subject that stands a chance of not depressing you. It may even change your life." -- Jonathan Franzen, The Guardian, recommended as "Best Holiday Reads 2015""Jamieson''s book is a compelling, sophisticated, and highly learned contribution to climate scholarship written for an interdisciplinary and more general audience. In style, it is characteristically clear, well organized, and incisive yet suffused with a warm, humane sensibility and good humor. It is not afraid to make suggestive comments and signal broad programmatic change. In content, the book contains magisterial overviews of the history of the climateproblem, climate economics, and obstacles to action." -- Ethics
Review Quote"Jamieson''s ethical approach deserves serious consideration, especially since it manages to take our relationship with nature seriously while avoiding the debate about whether the value in nature is intrinsic or instrumental... wide-ranging and ambitious" --Journal of Applied Philosophy "he has a gift for translating complexities into simple, often arresting terms, and is able to make even familiar material seem fresh...The result is a book that is uncommonly accessible to nonspecialists, and will resonate even among those working in the trenches of climate policy, for whom works of pure philosophy often seem somewhat beside the point...This is sound advice not only for economists but for anyone writing about climate change. Reason in a Dark Time succeeds so well because Jamieson, with very few exceptions, practices what he preaches." --Ethics and International Affairs "A book that does justice to the full tragedy and weird comedy of climate change is Reason in a Dark Time, by the philosopher Dale Jamieson. Ordinarily, I avoid books on the subject, but a friend recommended it to me last summer, and I was intrigued by its subtitle, "Why the Struggle Against Climate Change Failed-And What It Means for Our Future"; by the word "failed" in particular, the past tense of it. I started reading and couldn''t stop...I''d expected to be depressed by "Reason in a Dark Time" but I wasn''t. Part of what''s mesmerizing about climate change is its vastness across both space and time. Jamieson, by elucidating our past failures and casting doubt on whether we''ll ever do any better, situates it within a humanely scaled context." -- Jonathan Franzen in The New Yorker "An invaluable contribution to the dialogue about how to minimize the inevitable social and environmental devastation that looms large in our future." -- Booklist "This book is a must read by all who wish to bring reason to the challenges [of climate change] we are going to face very soon, whether we want to or not..." --Green Energy Times "Jamieson provides a wide-ranging account, looking at the lack of political incentives to act and at the influence of organised climate denial...Jamieson concludes with some observations about things we can definitely do for the better right away (abandon coal), and with shrewd reflections on living with the knowledge that we flunked the climate test." --Times Higher Education "A highly informative, wise, and thought-provoking discussion of some of the greatest problems that humanity faces, and of some possible solutions." --Derek Parfit, All Souls College, Oxford "Dale Jamieson is a philosopher and a realist. He was been working on climate change for a quarter of a century, alongside both scientists and policy makers. He argues that we are heading down a dangerous road and will likely have to face a much more difficult world. But he also argues that there is so much we can do individually and collectively to make a difference, and warns that the best must not be the enemy of the good. This is a very thoughtful and valuable book and should be read by all those who would wish to bring reason to a defining challenge of our century." --Professor Lord Nicholas Stern "No one but Dale Jamieson could write an eminently readable book about climate change that ranges over the full sweep of the problem from the historical to the ethical, the scientific to the political. By placing this vexing issue into the broader context of the human condition, Jamieson guides the reader''s mood from pessimism to optimism, and finally realism about our prospects." --Michael Oppenheimer, Albert G. Milbank Professor of Geosciences and International Affairs, Princeton University "Part requiem for our failed hopes and part vision for our uncertain future, this remarkably far-ranging work by the philosopher who has thought longest and hardest about climate change could inspire fruitfully radical reassessment of our attitudes toward the most far-reaching challenge of our lifetimes. The climate is changing -- can we?" --Henry Shue, Centre for International Studies, University of Oxford "Although Jamieson characterizes the Enlightenment faith in reason as a "dream," and recognizes that it is in particularly short supply in climate change policy, he is very much a man of the Enlightenment himself - hence his title, with its emphasis on reason, even in dark times, and his stated goal, which is to make readers think. Reason in a Dark Time succeeds admirably in this task. Although much of the ground Jamieson explores is well trodden, he has a gift for translating complexities into simple, often arresting terms, and is able to make even familiar material seem fresh." -- Ethics and International Affairs "Forget learning about the science of climate change; read this book to learn about society and perhaps do a little bit of soul-searching. Summing Up: Highly recommended. " --CHOICE "Reason in a Dark Time by Dale Jamieson (Oxford): precisely because it''s the first book to be fully honest about climate change, it''s the one book on the subject that stands a chance of not depressing you. It may even change your life." -- Jonathan Franzen, The Guardian, recommended as "Best Holiday Reads 2015" "Jamieson''s book is a compelling, sophisticated, and highly learned contribution to climate scholarship written for an interdisciplinary and more general audience. In style, it is characteristically clear, well organized, and incisive yet suffused with a warm, humane sensibility and good humor. It is not afraid to make suggestive comments and signal broad programmatic change. In content, the book contains magisterial overviews of the history of the climate problem, climate economics, and obstacles to action." -- Ethics
FeatureSelling point: Not a "save the earth" book but a sober diagnosis of why we have failed and a proposal for concrete steps for how to move aheadSelling point: Argues that common sense notions of responsibility are inadequate for moralizing acts that contribute to climate changeSelling point: Reflects on how we, as individuals, can live meaningful lives in the face of climate changeSelling point: Treats the scientific, historical, economic, and political dimensions of climate changes as well as the philosophical ones
Details ISBN0190845880 Author Dale Jamieson Pages 288 Year 2017 ISBN-10 0190845880 ISBN-13 9780190845889 Format Paperback Publisher Oxford University Press Inc Imprint Oxford University Press Inc Place of Publication New York Country of Publication United States DEWEY 363.73874 Affiliation Director of Environmental Studies, Center for Bioethics, and the Animal Studies Initiative, New York University Position Director of Environmental Studies, Center for Bioethics, and the Animal Studies Initiative Short Title Reason in a Dark Time Language English AU Release Date 2017-09-14 NZ Release Date 2017-09-14 US Release Date 2017-09-14 UK Release Date 2017-09-14 Publication Date 2017-09-14 Illustrations 10 illus. Alternative 9780199337668 Audience Professional & Vocational Subtitle Why the Struggle Against Climate Change Failed -- and What It Means for Our Future We've got thisAt The Nile, if you're looking for it, we've got it.With fast shipping, low prices, friendly service and well over a million items - you're bound to find what you want, at a price you'll love!
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