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Reclaiming My Waistline- Affirmations For The Mind, Body, Spirit, And Soul

Reclaiming My Waistline is a motivating tour guide of affirmations to help the reader navigate through four stages of life, reclaiming important pieces of self along the way. Those stages are Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical. So often, especially as women, we do drastic things in a rush to take care of our exterior-our physical bodies. But I believe that if you tackle the mental, spiritual, and emotional spaces first, obtaining your physical waistline will be easier to sustain!

19.25$ Buy It Now

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Seller simplybestprices-10to20dayshipping ( 475624 ⭐ ) 98.1%
Location: Hillsdale, AU, NSW
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ConditionBrand New
Item Length22.9 cm
Item Weight0.1 kg

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