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Reconstructing Woman : From Fiction to Reality in the Nineteenth-Century Nove...

Reconstructing Woman explores a scenario common to the works of four major French novelists of the nineteenth century: Balzac, Flaubert, Zola, and Villiers. In the texts of each author, a &;new Pygmalion&; (as Balzac calls one of his characters) turns away from a real woman he has loved or desired and prefers instead his artificial re-creation of her.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleReconstructing Woman : From Fiction to Reality in the Nineteenth-
Subject AreaLiterary Criticism, Social Science
Publication NameReconstructing Woman : from Fiction to Reality in the Nineteenth-Century French Novel
PublisherPennsylvania STATE University Press
Item Length9 in
SubjectSubjects & Themes / Women, European / French, Gender Studies, Women's Studies
Publication Year2007
SeriesPenn State Romance Studies
FormatTrade Paperback
Item Height0.4 in
AuthorDorothy Kelly
Item Weight6.9 Oz
Item Width6 in
Number of Pages184 Pages

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