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Reinventing Theology in Post-Genocide Rwanda : Challenges and Hopes, Hardcove...

"In the year 2019 Rwanda marked twenty-five years after the genocide against the Tutsi. Sadly, Catholic priests and nuns were complicit - or even participated in the killing of an estimated 800,000 ethnic Tutsis.

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ConditionLike New
Book TitleReinventing Theology in Post-Genocide Rwanda : Challenges and Hop
Subject AreaReligion, Political Science, History
Publication NameReinventing Theology in Post-Genocide Rwanda : Challenges and Hopes
PublisherGeorgetown University Press
Item Length10 in
SubjectEthics, Christianity / History, Christianity / Catholic, Human Rights, Africa / East
Publication Year2023
AuthorMarcel Uwineza
Item Weight33.7 Oz
Item Width7 in
Number of Pages448 Pages

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