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Responding to Violent and Hateful Extremism: Contributions of Humanitarian and D

The diversity of case studies, datasets, and author perspectives serves to advance knowledge on this topic and provide useful evidence and insights to inform policy and practice. His research is concerned with Islam, civil society and democratisation, religion and modernity, and countering violent extremism, with a particular focus on Indonesia, Turkey and Asia as a whole.

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ConditionBrand New
Publication NameNA
Book TitleResponding to Violent and Hateful Extremism : Contributions of Humanitarian and Development Ngos
PublisherRoutledge, Chapman & Hall, Incorporated
Item Length9.7 in
Publication Year2024
Item Height0.5 in
AuthorLeanne M. Kelly
GenrePolitical Science, Social Science
TopicNgos (Non-Governmental Organizations), Sociology / General
Item Weight19.1 Oz
Item Width6.9 in
Number of Pages202 Pages

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