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Restorative Circles in Schools : A Practical Guide for Educators by Joshua

This practical guide for educators focuses on the implementation of Restorative Circles in schools. Written by Bob Costello, Ted Wachtel, and Joshua Wachtel, this brand new hardcover book provides a comprehensive overview of the topic and offers insights on how to effectively incorporate Restorative Circles in the classroom. The book's IX, 132 pages cover various aspects of the topic, including language, format, authorship, and publisher. It is an ideal resource for educators interested in creating a positive and inclusive learning environment.

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Seller honeycomb_cc ( 32 ⭐ ) 100.0%
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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleRestorative Circles in Schools : a Practical Guide for Educators
AuthorBob Costello, Ted Wachtel, Joshua Wachtel
PublisherInternational Institute for Restorative Practices
Number of PagesIX, 132 Pages

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