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Restructuring the Welfare State: Globalization and Social Policy Reform in Finla

What happens to extensive and generous welfare states when they are faced with serious economic crisis and the effects of globalization?. Restructuring the Welfare State by Virpi Timonen. Title Restructuring the Welfare State.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleRestructuring the Welfare State
Subject AreaPolitical Science
Publication NameRestructuring the Welfare State : Globalisation and Social Policy Reform in Finland and Sweden
PublisherElgar Publishing, Incorporated, Edward
Item Length9.4 in
SubjectGlobalization, Public Policy / Social Policy
Publication Year2003
SeriesGlobalization and Welfare Ser.
Item Height0.7 in
AuthorVirpi Timonen
Item Weight17 Oz
Item Width6.6 in
Number of Pages232 Pages

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